Originally owned by the Schine Theatre circuit, (which also had a theatre in nearby Oswego)
The Eckel theatre was located in Downtown Syracuse. It was home to most of the Cinerama pictures, including THE 3-Strip HOW THE WEST WAS WON, and WONDERFUL WORLD OF THE BROTHERS GRIMM, as well as the "Super Cinerama" (Super Panavision 70) presentation of 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY.

One of the many roadshow films that played here was the 1966 epic HAWAII, in which one scene, featuring a lateral pan across a long table of men, nearly made some people dizzy as it rotated around the deep curved Cinerama Screen. Probably the last "big" picture to play here was SONG OF NORWAY, in 70mm from Cinerama Releasing, which was only a distribution company by that time.
After ending up as a sub-run house called the Biograph, the Eckel, like most of the other major single screen theatres in the Syracuse area, was lost to the ages years ago.